One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention. earmark earring earflap earphone earthquake earmuff eastward eavesdrop earthworm earwax earthwork earshot endplate eyeball eyelid fallout fanlight foremast foremost foreordain forerunner forenoon foresail anadem anaglyph anaesthesiology anaglyptics anaglyptography analects anagraphy anagnorisis analemma anamnesis ananym anamorphic anandrious anapeiratic analgia anaphora ancistroid ancillary anatocism anatine anapnea anaphalantiasis anastrophe anaphia anapest anastasic anatreptic anbury anchorite anaudia andromania andiron ancoral ancress ancon anconoid ancipitous androlepsia andragogy aneabil androcracy androphagy anemograph anemology anemography animastic anguiform angora angelocracy anglophobia angstrom anguilliform anguine anhedonia anhelation anhidrosis anicular aniconic animadvert anile animism anlace ankus anneal ankyroid annihilationism annodated annectent annomination anisothenic anion annulet annuent anker annulose anodontia anocathartic anodyne anogenic anomic anomie anonym anon anomphalous anomia anoesis anosmia anorchous anotic anopisthographic anserine anopsia ansate anopheline antanaclasis anta anteambulo antalgic antarchy antapology antechapel antejentacular anteloquy antelucan antenniferous antemundane antepast anthropobiology anthracomancy anthropoglot anthomancy anthorism anthesis anemocracy anele anemophilous aneuria anergia anesis anent anencephalic anglomania